LPLS Foundation Logo


Sincere gratitude to the donors who have supported the Lorain Public Library System and The Foundation of the Lorain Public Library System, Inc.

2023 Donors | 2022 Donors | 2021 Donors | 2020 Donors | 2019 Donors | 2018 Donors | 2017 Donors | 2016 Donors

2025 Donors

Craig Koehler

2024 Donors
Richard Ackerman
Jennifer Black
Terence Byrne
Pam Coghlan
Dr. Joe Deliman
Joanne Eldridge
Aneta Fine
Terri Frederick
Doris Garber
Garden Club of North Ridgeville
Lisa Grisez Shullick
Debra Jackson
Jennifer Klug
Dr. Craig Kohler
Dorothy MacIntyre in honor of Betty MacIntyre
Megan Mitchell
Cheryl Paganelli
Douglas R. Petersen in memory of Kathy T. Petersen
Norma Preston
Christine Redovan
Joanne Rosinsky
Michael Rosinsky
Val Smith in memorial Nancy Hanko
Michele Stewart
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
The University Club of Lorain
Wednesday Bridge Friends in honor of Nancy Bowman

2023 Donors

Lourdes Bennett
Jennifer Black
Robert Burkhardt
Curtis and Janice Caden
Lisa Crescimano
Joanne Eldridge
The Foundation of the Lorain Public Library System, Inc.
Friends of the Avon Library
Anne Godec
Ralph and Billie Godec
Megan Gordon
Lisa Grisez Shullick
Jennifer Klug
Dianne Kosboth
David Martin
Denise Nardini
Veronic Newsome
Christine Redovan
Ellen Reisig
Michael Rosinsky
Lisa Grisez Shullick
Michele Stewart
Michelle Strauser
Nancy Tatarka
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
John L. Wargo

2022 Donors
Carolyn Anderson
Rose Benson
Maureen and Rick Bihn
Jennifer Black
Nick Broyles
Rey Carrion
Joanne Eldridge
John and Lil Fecek
Joan Fitzgerald
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville
Gelenius Family
Terri Frederick
Friends of the Lorain Public Library
Anne Godec
Robert and Susan Hatch
Norm Herschelman
Lois Kane
William Kirk
Jennifer Klug
Jason Knight
Craig and Lois Koehler
Dianne Kosboth
Sue and Terry Lang
David Martin
Vivian McCullough
Ben and Jane Norton
Brenda Norton
Christine Redovan
Christopher Rewak
Joanne Rosinsky
Jeff and Karen Sigsworth
Gail and Steve Smith
The Estate of Joan D. Stevens
Michele Stewart
Michelle Strauser
Dr. Garalynn V. Tomas DNAP, CRNA-APRN
Darryl Tucker
University Club of Lorain
Betsy Vasas
Virginia Waratinsky
Brian Waugaman
Bob and Joanne Weiller
Rebecca Whittington
Clarence and Mary Ann Wills
Victor Zaborowski Sr.

2021 Donors

Barb Aldrich
Gloria Badillo
Rose Bardar
Chris Bellamy
Jennifer Black
Tammy Peterson Boey
Tony Campana
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Coates
Nicholas Cronin
The Dake Family
Linda B. Dambrosio
Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz
Bob and Carol Dottore
Janisann Dvorak
Laurel Dye
Cherie Fabian
Friends of Domonkas Public Library
Anthony Gallo
Doris Garber
Anne Godec
Tami J. Goodman
Lisa Grisez-Shullick
Barbara Grycz
Don and Ruth Hagen
Susan and Robert Hatch
Karen Hill
Mark Hobson
Margaret Hutcchinson
Adele Infante
Carolyn Jarvis
Lois Kane
Jennifer Klug
Gail Knopf
Craig and Lois Koehler
Barbara Kozel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Labanow
Sue and Terry Lang
Annalisa Longo
Brittany Lovett
LMHA Employees
Dorothy MacIntyre
Donna and Joe Malick
Debbie Mange
Claudia Marimberga
David Martin
Mary Kay McDermott
Patricia Milczewski
Kathy Niehm
Katherine Nix
Northcoast Rotary Foundation
Brenda Norton
Ben and Jane Norton
Gretchen Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Olejniczak
Sharon Owens
Cheryl Paganelli
Pamela Pintar
Kay Preston
Christine Redovan
Ellen Reisig
Cheryl Repko
Peggy Resar
Richard Schaffer
Shirley Rea Schnieder
Sandy Schroeder
Jeff and Karen Sigsworth
Bruce and Sally Smith
Gail and Steve Smith
Jocelyn Smith
Valerie Smith
Greg Speicher
Linda Spitzer
Vicky Spitzer
Michelle Strauser
Ann Marie Taggart
Jill Thomas
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
Emily Troiano
Darryl Tucker and Joanne Eldridge Tucker
Rona Vagrosky
Betsy Vasas
Deborah Veiht
Homer Virden
Laura Walsh 
Virginia Waratinsky
Michele West
Becky and Tom Whittington
Paulette Williams-Sislowskio
Ken and Deb Zapior
Jim Ziemnik

2020 Donors

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Campana
Lynne Christner
Ken Dechert
Darla Duncan
Joanne Eldridge
Mrs. Terry Frederick
Anne Godec
Kurt & Dinah Gottschalk
Sheila Ives
Michelle Kesselmayer
Jennifer Klug
Dr. Craig Koehler, PhD
Bernard Krzys
Robert Kufel
Judith Kulikowski
David Martin
Zachary McGuire
Mike Murphy
Christine Redovan
Ellen Reisig
Kelly Sagert
Jeanne & Steve Santoro
Richard Schweinberg
Daniel Spadafor
Michele Strauser
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
Martin Tomasic
Homer Virden
Virginia Waratinsky

2019 Donors

Mr. Dennis Boose
Linda Bozsoki
Jason Briscoe
Ilka Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Campana
Lisa Crescimano
Darla Duncan
Joanne Eldridge
Robert Ellis
Frank Fletcher
Friends of the Domonkas Library
Friends of the Lorain Public Library
Friends of the North Ridgeville Library, Inc.
Ms. Doris Garber
Aaron Gatdula
Anne Godec
Susan Hatch
Dr. Craig Koehler, PhD
Jennifer Klug
Stephanie Lotenero
Donald Malik
Daniel Mosier
Karah Rawlings
Ellen Reisig
Mr. Stephen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Palma Stipe
Michelle Strauser
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
Laura Walsh
Virginia Waratinsky
Becky & Tom Whittington

2018 Donors

Susan Ackerman
Allotta Family Foundation c/o Joseph J. Allotta
Keith Belanger
Tony Campana
Anastasia A. Diamond-Ortiz
Joanne Eldridge
Vida Fisher
Friends of Columbia Library, Inc.
Anne Godec
Nancy Hanko
Mr. Robert Hatch
Susan J. Hatch
Mr. R. Horton
Sheila Ives
JPMorgan Chase & Co Workplace Giving
Dr. Craig Koehler, PhD
Jennifer Klug
Lorain Rotary Club
Irene Madasz
Kathy Newcomb
Fran Niziolek
Joan Ruffner
Senior Citizens at St. Peter’s Parish
Mr. Stephen Smith
Michelle Strauser
Garalynn V. Tomas
Virginia Waratinsky
Kathleen Whipple

2017 Donors

Dennis Boose
Pam Coghlan
Kenneth L. Cromer
Ken Dechert
Albert Doane
Philip Dore
Robert Ellis
Joanne Eldridge
Terri Frederick
Friends of the Columbia Library, Inc.
Friends of the Domonkas Library
Friends of the Lorain Public Library
Doris Garber
Carmelene Januzzi
Jennifer Klug
David R. Kramer
David Miraldi
Sandy & Scott Mitchell
The Nord Family Foundation
Nordson Corporation
Walter H. Powell, II
Norma Preston
Ellen Reisig
Margaret Scheneman
Valerie Smith
Gail & Steve Smith Trust
James B. VanHorn
Renee P. Walker
Becky & Tom Whittington

2016 Donors

Carrie Amiri
Ruth Ansell
James Atten III
James & Lillian Aten
Avon Reserve HOA c/o Continental Management Company
Kim Bacisin
Gloria Badillo
Dennis Boose
Tom & Jere Boyer
Linda Bozsoki
Susan Hill Brown
Cathy Bucci
Buckeye Community Bank
Ricardo Buentello
Bulls Bears & Beyond
Patsie and Jenee Campana Foundation Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Campana
Cheri L. Campbell
John R. Clark
Pam Coghlan
Charlene Connors
Mary J. Crehore
Lisa Crescimano
Kenneth Cromer
Thomas and Kathryn Dake
Delta Kappa Gamma
Philip Dore
Joanne Eldridge
Emerson Network Power Energy Systems, North America
R.J. Erdy
Cecelia Falcon
Ramona Flores
Mrs. Terri Frederick
Michael Friedman
Friends of the Avon Branch Library
Friends of the Domonkas Library
Friends of the North Ridgeville Library, Inc.
Joann Furiga
Ms. Doris Garber
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville
Jackie Garvin
Susan Hatch
Dale and Janice Henninger
Heritage Avon Lake
Adele Infante
Betsy Ingram
Corinne Jalkanen
Charles E. Jenkins
Margaret Keenan
James Keiser
Rev. Joseph & Lee Anna Kelly, Avon Church of God
Carol & Tom Klear
Marcella Lamont
Sally Lu Langford
Lake Erie Crushers DBA Blue Dog Baseball LLC
Lake Screen Printing
David & Kay Lewandowski
Deborah Leyva
Gunver K. Lodge
Lona Incorporated DBA Sun Novelty
Lorain Democratic Central Committee
Lorain International Association
Lorain Public Library System Staff
Kriss Ann Loughman
Gloria Lugar John & Judy Martin
Eileen B. Neelon
North Ridgeville Arts Council
The North Ridgeville Garden Club
North Ridgeville Historical Society
Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
Northwest Savings Bank
Ben and Jane Norton
Bob and Ann Olesen
Esther Opainsky
Patricia and Glenn Owen
Evelyn Pappas
Edith Parrott
Barbara Paskvan
Sally Peoples
Frances Perry
Eva M. Peters
David & Francine Petroskey
Charlotte Picha
Red Hat
Alfred & Sylvia Rimm
Hilary Rockhold
Janet Romanski
Robert & Carol Ross
Sandy Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sigsworth
Dan & Valerie Smith
Gail & Steve Smith Trust
Teresa Smith
Tim & Palma Stipe
Dr. Garalynn Tomas
The University Club of Lorain, Ohio
Fisher Victoria
Homer Virden
Marge Walker
Renee Walker
Virginia Waratinsky
John & Marcia Wargo
Diane Wedel
Toni & Richard Whitney
Becky & Tom Whittington
James and Norma Wilson
Gail R. Wittmuss
Ralph and Bonnie Woodward
Marlene C. Yasco