From the Director’s Desk
2014 was a year of rapid change and many challenges. It helps that we are always looking at opportunities to improve our internal procedures and service delivery models. Our focus will continue to be what is most important for our communities as we navigate through this digital world. We reorganized the Main Library in downtown Lorain to make the service more cost efficient and functional. We also began Sunday hours at the South Lorain Branch Library.
Modest improvements were made at our Avon Branch and North Ridgeville Branch libraries. We replaced the front door and entrance at the Domonkas Branch, while we repurposed the Toni Morrison Room at the Main Library.
We want to thank the many volunteers who contributed to our success this past year: the North Ridgeville Library Levy Committee on the successful passage of a renewal levy, the Friends of the Library groups in Avon, Columbia, Lorain, North Ridgeville and Sheffield Lake, and the library board of trustees. You gave generously of your time, talent and even donated books to enhance our library collections. This is a priceless gift not only to the library system, but especially to the communities we serve.
Every day that I come to work someone is making a contribution to our library system. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you do for the Lorain Public Library System, including your words of encouragement. You give me hope and reassurance that good tax-supported public libraries are worth fighting for. Thank you, library advocates, patrons, donors and volunteers, for your long-standing support and recognition of our libraries as priceless community assets. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a note in our suggestion box if you have questions or concerns. See you at one of our libraries or community events in 2015!
All the best,

Message from the Assistant Director
In her role as assistant director and supervisor of branches, Toni Whitney plays an integral part of a variety of operational and personnel matters across all of the library’s locations. The following is a snapshot of Whitney’s across-the-board involvement:
- Negotiated a new union contract in 2014.
- Oversaw the renovation of the Avon Branch.
- Advocated library financial needs to the Friends of the Library groups.
- Filled in while staff were out on FMLA (family and medical leave).
- Oversaw all of the building enhancements that the Friends paid for at the North Ridgeville Branch.
- Worked with the North Ridgeville Library Levy Committee.
- Prepared for Sandy Mitchell’s retirement from the Columbia Branch, and the related celebration.
- Involved in the promotion of Susan Spivey at Columbia Branch, as well as her mentoring and training.
- Worked with Cheryl Grizzell through her first year as manager at South Lorain Branch.
- Assisted branch librarian supervisors with staffing needs, new hires and other issues as needed.