Teen Maker-In-Residence Interest Form

The Teen-Maker-Residence program offers young creatives the opportunity to explore their passion for art with the supplies and space needed to make their artistic vision a reality.

* Required Field

Teen Maker In Residence Application

Parent/Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

*if the above parent/guardian cannot be reached, who should we notify in an emergency?

Materials Needed *

Teens may focus their residency on any visual arts medium(s), which may include:

2D art (e.g., painting, drawing, printmaking)

3D art (e.g., ceramics, sculpture, product design, found art)

Digital art (e.g., painting, drawing, animation, 3D modeling)

Please list the type of medium that you plan to create. Please list any materials you will need to create your art (e.g., colored pencils, charcoal, Adobe Photoshop, etc.) that the library can provide.

Create Space *

The library offers a Create Space with the following machines: 3D Printer, Embroidery Machine, Laser Cutter and Engraver, CNC, Cricut, Sublimation, Sewing Machine, Heat Press (flat/mug), Large-Format Printer (Avon), Long-Arm Quilting Machine (North Ridgeville)

Please indicate which machines you are interested in possibly using in your art or learning more about.

Schedule *

Participants must spend a minimum of two studio hours a week in the art studio.

Please indicate when you would most likely be able to complete your studio hours (weekends, after school, evenings, etc.)

Background *

Please list any art classes or experience you have (e.g., school, camps, non-profits, self-taught, etc.)

Objectives *

Please describe in a brief summary (three to five sentences) why you are interested in the Teen Maker-In-Residence Program and what you hope to achieve.

Reference *

Please list an adult who is not related to you but who knows you well and will provide a reference for you. Examples include a teacher, coach, pastor or scout leader.

Sample Work *

Please upload three to five examples of your work.

Upload Example Images
Images (jpeg, jpg, png, gif, webp)


Art Studio – Participants must spend a minimum of two hours a week in the art studio. We understand that teens have other commitments in their life, work and studies, so participants will need to coordinate a schedule with program facilitators. The art studio will be a flexible space that is available during regular library hours. Participants may use a branch's Create Space or meeting rooms as their studio space depending on the medium or equipment they plan to use that day. Participants will use their studio time to receive equipment training from program facilitators, prepare for their art class or community event and create pieces for their art exhibition. Art studio time is supervised by program facilitators or other library staff.

Art Exhibition – Participants must display their artwork informally in each branch's Create Space and formally as part of a short-term public exhibition. The exhibition will be the culmination of the participant's work and take place at the end of the residency. Participants will be able to invite their family, friends and art teachers to a private exhibition, but it is not required. Artwork created during the residency, images of art studio time and events may be used to create library promotional materials and social media posts online.

Art Education and Advocacy – Participants must teach or organize one art event for kindergarten to 12th grade students. This can take the form of a one to two hour art class or a community art event. Program facilitators will work with participants to plan, order supplies, advertise and supervise the art event.