Books by Mail Service

What is Books by Mail?

Books by Mail is a FREE service that provides users with access to Lorain Public Library System materials via the United States Postal Service.

You Qualify if: 

* You have a disability or other limitation that prevents you from visiting the library.

* You live in Avon, Camden Township, Columbia Township, Eaton Township (within the Columbia Local School District), Henrietta Township, Kipton Village, Lorain, North Ridgeville, Sheffield Lake, Sheffield Township, and Sheffield Village.

How it Works:

A. Please complete the following: Books by Mail Application and Materials Preference Sheet 

B. Request materials by:

  1. Filling out the request form in your Books by Mail delivery 
  2. Calling 440-244-1192 ext. 8277 
  3. Calling any Lorain Public Library System branch and clearly stating that you are a Books by Mail patron
  4. Placing a hold through the online catalog and set pick up location as LORAIN/Bookmobile

C. Materials are shipped in red canvas zippered bags. You do not need to be home to receive the delivery, but the packages are not weatherproof. Fragile items like DVDs and CDs are shipped inside bubble wrap pouches.

D. Once you are ready to return your materials, pack them in the red bag, wrapping any fragile items back in their bubble wrap pouches. Turn your address label around so the Library address is visible. Zip tie through the hoop and zipper to secure. 

Mail completed forms to:

Lorain Public Library System
Attn: Books by Mail
351 W. 6th St. Lorain, OH 44052

If you have further questions please contact:

Outreach Department
440-244-1192 ext. 8277 

Books flying out of a box