Reserve a Meeting Room

Meeting Room Policy

*The reservation link will be enabled upon agreement to this policy and rules of use.

View instructions on how to reserve a meeting room.

The primary purpose of Lorain Public Library System’s meeting rooms is to provide space for library-related activities.

When library meeting rooms are not being used for library-related programs, the rooms may be reserved and used by nonprofit groups or individuals for non-commercial purposes. Private events such as birthday parties, baby showers, etc. are not permitted. Groups may not charge admission or require donations for their meetings.

Library meeting rooms may be used by political groups for regular meetings of an organizational nature. They may be used for public forums, debates and candidates’ nights but not for promotion of any one candidate/issue.

Meetings, events, programs or activities that may disturb regular Library operations are not permitted. If a meeting or event in progress does disturb regular library operations, the Library reserves the right to immediately terminate the meeting or event. The group, upon notification of a disturbance, will immediately discontinue the disturbance or vacate the premises. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any meeting or move a group to another room.

Library administration sets the procedures and regulations for use of all library spaces. All groups or individuals using library meeting rooms must follow the Library’s Code of Conduct and other general rules of the Library, including regulations for meeting room use.

Meeting rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Library reserves the right to limit groups to one meeting per month. Reservations can be made up to three months in advance and must be approved by the Branch Manager or their designee.

The Library reserves the right to attend any event in its facilities to ensure that no illegal activities are occurring on library premises.

The applicant, who must be 18 years of age or older, must complete a Meeting Room Request before the meeting date and assumes the responsibility for complying with the Meeting Room Policy, regulations established by Library Administration and is responsible for room cleanup. The Library reserves the right to reject any application for use if it is determined that a group has abused its past privileges in using library facilities. An adult leader must be present at all times and is responsible for the supervision of any groups of children using the meeting rooms.

Groups are responsible for room set up to meet their own needs. Library staff is not available to assist in any way during set up or use of meeting rooms. Audio-visual equipment may be available upon prior reservation. Groups using the Library’s audio-visual equipment should arrange for a practice session, as Library staff may not be available to assist during a meeting. Storage of equipment and/or supplies by non-library groups is not permitted.

Groups using library meeting rooms must vacate a minimum of five (5) minutes before the Library’s scheduled closing.

If a group that has reserved a library meeting room must cancel the reservation, it is the responsibility of the group to notify its members/audience. The name, address and/or telephone number of the Library may not be used as the official address of an organization. The name and address of the branch may be used to promote the location of the event, however, the use of the LPLS logo is prohibited. The use of a meeting room by a non-library group must not be publicized in such a way to imply a partnership or sponsorship of the group’s activities by the Library. 

Light refreshments are permitted in the meeting rooms. An applicant will be billed for any clean-up costs and damages. The applicant accepts financial responsibility for any and all damage caused to the building or equipment beyond normal wear and tear.

By requesting to use a Library meeting room, a group acknowledges its willingness to be addressed sometime during its meeting by Library staff member(s) concerning Library services if such address can be scheduled by Library staff.