TUTORING and Test Proctoring


  • Lorain Public Library System offers the no-cost “Level Up” tutoring and homework assistance program throughout the school year at two branch locations.
  • Students in grades K through 12 are welcome, however, the students must live within the city of Lorain to be eligible.
  • This program is offered at both the Main Library and the South Lorain Branch Monday through Thursday each week during the school year. The Main Library has a 3:45 to 5 p.m. session and a 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. session.  The South Lorain Branch has 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. and 5 to 6:15 sessions. A snack is served at each location each day at 3:30 p.m.
  • All parties interested in tutoring will be added to the roster starting in September 2025. 

    Test Proctoring

    • The Lorain Public Library System provides exam proctoring services at the Main and North Ridgeville Branches by appointment.
    • Call the Main Branch at 440-244-1192 or the North Ridgeville Branch at 440-327-8326 to inquire. You will be assigned a proctor at the library who will work with you to schedule your exam(s). Once you have been scheduled, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with your testing institution to send exam materials/passwords to the proctoring site. Make sure that this is all prepared in a timely manner and notify us regarding any changes that develop.
    • The student is responsible for any faxing, postage fees or any other costs necessary to return the test to the institution.
    • Proctored exams are NOT administered under the direct supervision of library staff. Staff is unable to visually monitor the student for the duration of the exam. If possible, the library will provide private, quiet space for test taking but it is not guaranteed.
    • Library computers do not allow for the installation of software. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the computer resources of the library are adequate for their test-taking needs.